Data & Voice Options

Surf longer or call abroad - with the option that meets your needs

Attractive prices

Simple activation

No minimum duration

Add the right option to your mobile subscription.

We offer you various options for additional calling or surfing.
You will benefit from particularly favourable conditions compared to standard rates.

Data & Voice Options

Calls from Switzerland to abroad (zone 1)

50 minutes of phone calls 

CHF 4.-

100 minutes of phone calls

CHF 7.-

Unlimited minutes

CHF 23.-

Calls EU (roaming)

100 minutes of phone calls 

CHF 12.-

250 minutes of phone calls

CHF 27.-

500 minutes of phone calls

CHF 45.-

Calls and text messages USA/CAN (roaming)

100 minutes of phone calls & 100 SMS

CHF 15.-

300 minutes of phone calls & 300 SMS

CHF 29.-


Data Switzerland

250 MB of data

CHF 4.50

1 GB of data

CHF 10.-

5 GB of data

CHF 27.-

Data EU (roaming)

250 MB of data

CHF 9.-

500 MB of data

CHF 12.-

1 GB of data

CHF 18.-

Data USA/CAN (roaming)

500 MB of data

CHF 25.-

1 GB of data           

CHF 39.-

2 GB of data

CHF 69.-


All prices are exclusive of VAT. Products and prices subject to change.


Check now which
bandwidths are available
at your address.


Business Advice

We are available for your
product orders on 0800 900 290,
or you can request a consultation.



How can I see if the option has been activated?

After ordering an option, you will receive a confirmation SMS. If this is not the case, please contact our technical support team by calling 0800 858 575.

How can I see when the option is used up?

When the option has been exhausted, you will receive an SMS to confirm consumption of the option. You also receive a status SMS at 80% consumption.

What will happen when the option is used up?

When the option has been used up, you will receive an SMS. From then on, the normal rates apply. You can order another option straight away from the Admin Portal, however.